Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, November 27, 2006 -- Need to sleep, but...

I'm frequently one to ask the question WHY... I prefer that I not be that way, but some things you just can't shake.

I want to know why someone decides to leave out certain information when relaying a message to me. I want to know why people don't follow through with commitments they've made to me. I want to know why people don't feel the need to invest the time, energy, effort, and passion I exhibit when approaching a project/task/relationship. I want to know why people think that I should go with what they say and not have my own opinion. I want to know why some people lie, because I'm sure you had a perfectly good reason to - and if I just knew why you lied, I'm sure I'd accept your lie(s). I want to know why the sun doesn't stay on the other side of the world just a bit longer so that I can dream a little longer... about... well, nevermind. I want to know why people think I need to be protected. Why they think I can't handle the ugly truth. I want to know why there are so many political plots in education. I want to know why the City of Farmers Branch has decided to treat Hispanics like dogs and not like humans - why do they think they're better and should remain unchanged/uneffected. I want to know why people cheat instead of just leaving or really, really trying to work it out... well, unfortunately, I think I know why now... But, still...I want to know why... about what though? Well, you name it... I want to know... why?


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