Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday - January 15, 2008 -- Kaputz

So, it's been a while... Lots has happened. Lots hasn't happened.

My computer finally went k-a-p-u-t-z right after Christmas, so I haven't had a chance to write much. This will serve as my quick catch up for those of you who have been hounding me for an entry.

Boxes are in place. Resignation has been delivered. I'm leaving... on that midnight train to... well, destination TBA. We all know my desire to live in NYC for a year. That may come true sooner than I think, but we'll see.

I've been reprimanded for calling men, boys... so - to catch you up on that note. That 'man' is dating other chicks. So, that's a wrap. Yes, I'm bitter. Moving on...

Had mixed emotions about the resignation. Had mixed emotions about the move. Have had mixed emotions about life in general. Not sure what the future holds.

Can't really talk about leaving right now. It's not time.

To be so young, there are days I look back and feel like I've accomplished alot. There are many other days that I look back and say, "What the heck happened here?!" I've heard that the 30's are the 'place to be,' and that the 40's are 'on it!' God has blessed me to see 28 years thus far, He can't be through with me yet, can He?

Started writing again... of course my novels never get finished, because I write myself out of the 'process' that I'm in. It's therapeutic. The main character is always me, and the subject is always whatever I'm going through at the moment... usually some crap with some boy. Excuse me --- man. Or some family drama. Or some work drama. Or some drama I'm helping a friend through. Reading helps my novelas unfold.

As I've said before I'm reading this book (and yes, I should be finished), but it's really been tough to read with my schedule being as hectic as it has been. Anyhow, finally the meaty part of the book shares with me everything I should know/remember about who I am. I'm a princess, and if he can't recognizereal, then I should not even have any interest in anything he's doing.

Excerpt from a poem called Pursued:

Whoever he is,

Wherever he is,

He'll pursue me.

Whenever he comes,

However he comes,

I hope that I'm ready.

He'll come with flowers,

and genuine, unsolicited attention.

He'll not get on my nerves (so much),

and they'll never be silence of the awkward kind.

He'll pursue my heart.

He'll pursue my love.

He'll pursue the flaws and unfinished parts of my soul.

Well, it's time for me to go away. I'll share more next time.

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