Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thursday, November 23, 2006 -- Thankful

I'm so thankful - not just today - but everyday.

I'm thankful for my family, our health, our bond (no matter how weird it may be), our trials and our tribulations. I'm thankful for my faith in God, and how he continues to provide me with opportunities to praise him with my life and my love. I'm thankful for peace in the midst of our crazy world. I'm thankful for my students and my friends and my church family. I'm thankful for the people who come into my life for a season or two, and for those who stay for a lifetime. I'm thankful for the gift of love and for talent that I have yet discovered. I'm thankful for my big feet - that they may carry me places that I do not yet know. I'm thankful for the sun and the moon and the stars and the mountains and the plains and the oceans and the seas. I'm thankful for the pine trees of East Texas and the horses that I'm looking at in my back yard right now. I'm thankful for my new little baby cousin and for his health and wholesomeness. I'm thankful for rest and rejuvenation. I'm thankful for the future. I'm thankful for the past. I'm thankful for the present. I'm thankful for this very moment and being able to share it with you...

What are you thankful for?

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